Sex Ed To-Go for Teachers
Free resources to make teaching sex ed easy.
Brought to you by the experts you trust at Planned Parenthood.
Ensure your students learn foundational knowledge without having to keep up to date on the most current forms of birth control and STI statistics, or figuring out how to pronounce trichomoniasis.
Courses cover topics such as reproductive anatomy, pregnancy prevention, and consent, as well as social-emotional skills like healthy relationships, communication, and handling break-ups.
You can assign lessons through your existing classroom management system, and students can upload completion certificates.
If you're looking to teach sex ed yourself, Sex Ed To-Go offers resources you can customize to meet your students’ needs.
Download and adapt slides and scripts from all of our student-facing courses—plus classroom activities, quizzes, role plays, lesson plans, and supplemental videos.
Courses are organized by topic, such as consent, gender identity, STIs, relationship skills, human trafficking, and more.
Sex Ed To-Go features bite-sized teacher-facing courses to help you become a more effective and confident sex educator.
Learn about how to answer student questions, inclusive language and images, trauma-informed education, sexual harassment, working with students with disabilities, and more!
Sex Ed To-Go is completely free for teachers and students. Reference our FAQs here to learn how to assign courses, make lesson plans, and more.
You can copy and share the course link directly with students in the classroom management system you already use. In our teacher-facing topic specific courses, we give you a copy-and-paste, editable explanation with screenshots and everything to guide students through registration. Once they are used to the process, you can just put the course url into your classroom management program with deadlines. Easy-peasy.
Each student-facing course generates a completion certificate with the students’ name, course name and student email. Have them upload it to your classroom management system as you would with any assignment. Seamless.
Absolutely! Our series on Being an Effective Sex Educator contains five intro courses – each 10-25 minutes – to cover the basics. You’ll learn how to focus on facts not values, how to categorize and answer student questions (with examples!), and how to re-direct from personal questions to what students need to know. All the things that make most teachers nervous!
Nothing. Zero. Zilch. It’s all free because we are committed to supporting access to comprehensive, medically accurate, inclusive sex education to all young people, regardless of where they live, who they are, or how much money their school or district has. Occasionally we might share a link to a fabulous resource that does have a fee involved, but we’ll always warn you first.
If you don’t want to assign our courses directly, you can download the slides and scripts we use from our "How to Teach Specific Topics" courses, under the module “Sex Ed To-Go Course Slides”. Each of our "How to Teach Specific Topics" courses also has an entire section of classroom materials: links to other lesson plans and downloadable and editable worksheets, knowledge checks and classroom activities. We also suggest supplemental videos if you want to go deeper. Steal away. Our content is your content.
Sex Ed To-Go is hosted on Thinkific which requires each student to register and log in. It’s easy for you as a teacher to copy over course links into your classroom management system – in fact our "How to Teach Specific Topics" courses give you copy-and-paste directions for assigning the parallel student course. And all student-facing courses generate a completion certificate that students can upload into your system like they would any other assignment.
For students with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities, you can use any of our courses that are relevant for their cognitive level (so if they process information at a 14-year-old level, anything for 8th graders could work). We also have a two-course series for educators to support making sex education inclusive and accessible for people with a variety of disabilities. In the first course we cover basic background on disabilities and ableism, tips for making sex education more accessible to all students, and how to support students, families and caregivers. The second course covers tips for making traditional sex ed topics more relevant for people with disabilities, topic-specific considerations (like condom use, birth control, and anatomy) and specific tips for working with people with physical disabilities or people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD), and curriculum resources.
Need to meet national or state standards? Sex Ed To-Go helps.
All content was designed to align with both the National Sexuality Education Standards (NSES) and the California Healthy Youth Act (CHYA) standards for the age group listed on the course. You can see all the details about how Sex Ed To-Go supports each standard here for NSES 3rd-5th, here for 6th-12th grades and here for CHYA.
Need support making the case for effective sex education? We got you.